Monday, July 9, 2012

Fake Urban Decay on ebay

So two days ago, I used my sisters Urban Decay Naked pallet and loved it. Yesterday I looked into the price at Sephora ($60 CND) so I started looking at ebay to see if I can save a few dollars. I came across a few sellers where the price was high, not much savings there.

THEN I came across a seller that had it for less then $40 with free shipping, I was like OMG such an amazing deal. I read the post (I always do before I bid anything) and the seller stated not to ask if this is an authentic Urban Decay product, since they get it from a wholesaler and doesn't know. Alarm bells went off.

Could there be fake Urban Decay Naked pallet like there is fake MAC products? The answer is yes, there can be :(

I came across a few youtube video showing fake Naked pallet and Naked pallet 2. Like the MAC ones they look almost the same but not the same quality.

No no ebay deal for me, I'm hoping to go to the states soon, then I'll pick one up.

Just a warning of anyone look into Urban Decay Naked pallet on ebay, there is a lot of fakes out there.

So glad I didn't bid of any. 

Note: this video is not mine, but I though it was helpful. Youtube user :


  1. Thx for the post! It's great you write about this so more ppl is aware of it!

    check out my giveaway if you haven't!

    1. I'm guess you mean so many ppl are not aware of it. Yeah its freaky how many fake stuff there is on ebay. I once bought a set of MAC brushes that were fake, and since then, I check as much as I can before I buy anything.

  2. I'm not surprised. You will have to read the auction listing thoroughly to analyze it yourself and determine whether it's authentic or not. 100% seller feedback tells you nothing. Then again, some people give negative feedback assuming the seller's products are fake when they're not. So eBay is risky at times.
